

9 National Security Agency best practices for protecting home networks


Technology has become an indispensable part of daily life, making connectivity an indispensable necessity. Securing your home network has never been more crucial - protecting data from hackers requires it!

Preventing breaches is becoming more and more challenging. People typically have less safeguards at home than at work; many work from home which puts both personal and company data at risk.

Within two months of their decision to switch to remote working, 46% of companies experienced at least one cyber attack.

There is plenty of information available on this topic and its steps are straightforward, helping to safeguard against home data breaches.

Here at Home Network Security Tips we follow the National Security Agency Best Practices guidelines when it comes to home network security. Below we list some of our favorite tips!

1. Change default passwords and usernames.

Change the default login for your network. This involves changing usernames and passwords on all connected devices as hackers have become familiar with default credentials used to gain entry to networks. Criminals could potentially gain access to your data using default credentials that were provided when setting up your router, making it imperative that these default credentials are changed so as to safeguard your home network.

2. Encryption Enabled

Cryptography involves the process of encoding data so only authorized parties are able to read it, making encryption essential for protecting personal information on home networks from being intercepted by hackers and read/intruded upon by others. Modern routers support WPA2 and WPA3 as encryption standards; Wi-Fi 6 routers use WPA3.

3. Update Firmware

Firmware is the software running on your router or other connected devices, with updates often released by manufacturers to address security flaws and introduce new features. Keeping up-to-date on firmware is crucial to protecting the integrity of your home network - check for updates via the web interface of your router, or visit their manufacturer's site to locate updates.

Keep this in mind because many don't. Most users only access their router app during setup and rarely return after that unless necessary. Set a reminder in your calendar every month for checking its updates.

4. Enable Firewall

A firewall is an essential network security measure which monitors and controls network traffic - both incoming and outgoing. Employing a router firewall to protect your network against malicious traffic or unauthorised access can greatly enhance its protection. Most modern routers include built-in firewall protection which can usually be activated from within its web interface.

5. Canceling Unused Services

Manufacturers typically pre-configure most routers to include various services by default, including file sharing, remote control and media streaming. By disabling any services that aren't being utilized regularly or are often exploited by hackers to gain entry to home networks, disabling unnecessary services may reduce their chance of exploiting by hackers. Only enable services essential to your network.

6. Protect Your Wi-Fi Network

Your WiFi network in your home is one of its most essential elements, so protecting it requires several steps - this includes:

  • Change of Network Name and ID

  • Filtering of MAC addresses has been enabled after disabling SSID Broadcast.

  • Disabling Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS).

These steps will help prevent unauthorised access to your WiFi network. Please reach out if you need assistance; we're here to save both time and frustration by making sure your WiFi network remains safe.

7. Establish Strong Passwords

No security system would be complete without passwords, which are an integral component to keeping networks secure. Weak passwords leave your network vulnerable; strong ones should have at least 12 characters that combine uppercase and lowercase letters along with at least one number and symbol - for optimal protection use this measure on routers and any connected devices.

8. Create a Guest Network

Do you have guests that require access to your Wi-Fi, such as your child's friends? Consider setting up a separate network just for them - known as a guest network. Guests will use it exclusively when accessing the internet through it without impacting on the security of the main network. Doing this could protect it against potential security threats!

9. Restrict Physical Access

Physical access to your router or devices connected can pose a potential security threat, so placing it in an area with restricted or locked cupboard access may be wise. Furthermore, disable physical access to its interface; this is particularly relevant if there are guests or children living in your house who could tamper with settings and settings may need changing at times.

Schedule a Cybersecurity Home Visit Now

Protecting your data is of utmost importance, and home networking security can help do just that. By following best practices you can improve the protection of your home network.

Are you looking to save time by letting us do the hard work? Contact us now to arrange for a cybersecurity visit at your home.
