

Prepare Now For Cybersecurity Predictions In 2024


Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field. Each year brings with it new technologies, threats and opportunities. Organizations need to be aware of and prepare for cyber threats both now and as we approach 2024 - regardless of size or sector. All businesses should make plans.

Staying ahead of the game when it comes to protecting digital assets is paramount. The cybersecurity landscape is experiencing rapid transformation due to emerging technologies and threats as well as shifting global dynamics.

As we move forward into 2024, let us examine some key cybersecurity predictions you should keep in mind.

1. Artificial Intelligence Will Be a Double-Edged Sword

Artificial intelligence has transformed cy...


9 Signs Your Smart Home Device Has Been Hacked


Smart home gadgets have quickly become an indispensable resource, yet also pose serious security threats. Hackers could use these devices to gain access to personal data or spy on you or monitor activities within your house - potentially leading them to gain control and damage your house by breaking in or accessing other parts.

Smart home devices often go unnoticed. Over 75% of people remain reluctant to disclose personal data; yet most remain open to using this type of technology in their home.

Cyber security threats remain a top concern as we increasingly turn towards smart living. Hackers could have compromised your smart systems without your knowledge.

How can you recognize when a hacker ha...
