
Cyber Attacks: Attackers get faster, stronger and more sophisticated


Unnerving trends were recently exposed in a new security report.

Cyber attacks are growing increasingly prevalent. Criminals now take an average of just 62 minutes to gain entry to your network compared to 84 minutes last year.

These attacks are becoming both faster and more frequent. According to a report issued by our company, 34 new cyber criminal groups were identified bringing our total cyber-criminal groups tracked up to over 230.

Cyber criminals don't just sit around doing nothing - they have evolved rapidly into increasingly sophisticated attackers. According to one report, they have even set a record-breaking time of 2 minutes and 7 seconds for an attack breakout - not enough time even for coffee, let alone mounting any defense.

Herein lies the surprise: human factors are increasingly becoming the focal points of cyber-attacks.

Your employees may be targeted with phishing attacks that request they click a link within an emailed phishing message that leads them to an impostor log-in page, where their real login data could potentially be stolen by an attacker. When employees inadvertently enter it into this fake page, their login data has already been given away to an attacker.

Social engineering refers to this practice of trickery by which someone poses as someone you trust within your team.

What steps can be taken to safeguard yourself and your business against cyberthreats?

Educate Your Employees

Make sure your team understands the latest cyber threats, how to recognize them, and how best to avoid costly errors with regular training programs and strong password policies in place.

Password Managers

provide an effective solution for creating and remembering complex, random passwords while multi-factor authentication adds another layer of protection. And don't forget about updating your system!

Be sure to stay current on software and system updates;

Cyber criminals have taken advantage of known vulnerabilities to exploit. Investment in cyber security software may help with this effort; we offer this service too! For added peace of mind, backup your data as soon as you can!

Backup your data regularly and store it safely to avoid data loss or downtime in case of an attack. Better safe than sorry when it comes to cyber-security; reach out if we can help to keep you better protected. 📞 (404) 932-5940 or 📩
